Happy Holidays, listeners of Call Me By Your Game. Every month there is a round table version of the show that releases exclusively at our Patreon’s $10 DJ Toad Tier […]

Happy Holidays, listeners of Call Me By Your Game. Every month there is a round table version of the show that releases exclusively at our Patreon’s $10 DJ Toad Tier where Conner discusses a meaningful game with a group of people. In light of the holiday spirit we’re releasing this one for all to hear on the main feed. Enjoy this magnificent chat and consider checking out this episode and so much more by supporting us at Patreon.com/superNPCradio.


Stoic father figure and host of the podcast Conner McCabe takes his promising but fresh-faced sons Mike Christian and Nick Costanza on a journey to spread his dead wife’s ashes upon the highest point in all the realms. On December 2021’s co-op episode Conner, Mike, and Nick discuss in detail the 2018 iconic video game God of War. Our heroes dive into what makes this game a masterpiece, the many incredible elements and how they weave together, and gush about the experience as a whole.

Show Notes

Nick Costanza – TwitterInstagramReactivaders podcast
Mike Christian – TwitterInstagramStudio C tv
Conner McCabe – Twittertwitch.tv/conziscool69
Produced by Jeremy Schmidt – Video Games: a Comedy Show
Call Me By Your Game – InstagramTwitterYouTube
Super NPC Radio – PatreonTwitterInstagramTwitch

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