Most of California is grappling with new rounds of COVID restrictions as infections are rising. Added bonus: A curfew for nearly all Californians. How are small business owners grappling with these new rules? Nicole sits down with the owners of a brewpub (Al Griffin, co-owner of Placerville Public House), a yoga studio (Jean Marie Moore, co-owner of Anasa Yoga in Oakland) and a salon (Rosey Ibarra, owner of Social Salon Suites) to discuss how they’re adapting and their concerns going into the holiday season. 

Also, since the election, there’s been a lot of chatter and hand-wringing over the so-called “Latino vote.” Elizabeth invited two guests to explore and explain what’s really going on with Latino voters in the Golden State and across the country: Sonja Diaz, Founder of the UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Initiative, and Gustavo Arrellano, LA Times Columnist and author of “Ask a Mexican” and “Taco USA: How Mexican Food Conquered America.”