This is an update from episode 400 on 17 November 2022 and although was meant to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Reactiv SUITE during a Zoom presentation, there is benefit gained from listening Av explain how the “mixed reality” features can create meaningful and engaging presentations for participants.   
As Av explained:
[16:48]…back in the day, we stood right next to the flip charts
[16:56]…the problem with technology is that it is completely disconnecting us…now we have all of these screens…there is no balance
[20:09]…we want to create those memorable experiences for speakers (presenters)...that is all Reactiv is about
[25:24]…it works with every remote meeting platform (Zoom, Teams, Meets, Skype)
[27:07}…I am using my I-Phone to connect to Reactiv just like Apple TV
To learn more about Av Utukuri and the Reactiv presentation tool, click on one or more of the following links:
Vizetto Website:
Vizetto  on LinkedIn:
Vizetto on Twitter | @vizettosoftware
Vizetto on Instagram | @reactivsuite
Vizetto on Facebook | @reactivesuite
Av Utukuri on LinkedIn |
Video Testimonial from Mark Hunter
This short YouTube video testimonial from sales professional, Mark Hunter, highlights just how dynamic the Reactiv SUITE can be for pitch videos, client / customer conference calls; training videos, sales presentations and facilitates more engaging discussions with hybrid teams (remote and in-person).
Backers Network Inc
The Vizetto pitch deck and crowdfunding offering memorandum can be accessed from the following link:

Zoom | Presentations | Microsoft Powerpoint | Google Meets | Microsoft Teams | Neuroscience | Imagery | Engagement | Virtual Reality | Mixed Reality | Artificial Intelligence | Harvard Graphics | Skype | Flipcharts 


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