One of the most significant concepts to impact the modern mission movement is the importance of "Honor and Shame". Instead of the primary focus of cultures in the unreached world being "Guilt and Justice"; "Honor and Shame" is the operating system for all social interaction. How does this change the way that we talk about "Sin" with peoples from non-western worldviews? How might this effect the way that we present the Gospel message to these people? All of these questions are being asked by workers around the world who are working among the Unreached Peoples who see the idea of sin as being linked to the loss of honor and the creation of Shame. In this episode of God Network News Dr. Mischke explores the biblical and missiological implications of this concept.

As our gift to you our GNN listeners, here is a free pdf copy of Dr. Werner Mischke's book, "Honor and Shame in Cross-Cultural Relationships".

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