Radical terrorist groups have mastered the use of Internet and other digital technologies to spread their message of hate! How can NGOs and especially Christian organizations utilize the same technologies to propagate a message of love and forgiveness? Something that even the terrorists will be impacted by.

Also, we want to remind you to visit an incredible website where you can view and download gospel films in over 100 different languages http://www.indigitube.tv This website also has a section where you can search for audio Bibles in over 1300 different languages! It is amazing, and it is all free!

This may be the first page that you will see when you respond to any of my invitations or messages to you about new episodes of our podcast. For many of you this may be the first time you have heard of a podcast. A podcast is an audio or video file that is accessible through an RSS feed. Like a newspaper that is delivered to your front door, a podcast can be delivered to your computer once you subscribe to it. Each time a new episode is uploaded your computer will be notified that it is available for you to download. Simple hey!

Subscribe in iTunes to the Gospel Gadget Podcast at: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=157335386 that’s all there is to it!

*If you’re tired of listening to what the big news agencies are feeding you? Then check out, God Network News, and find out what He is doing in the world today in missions. You won’t hear this on CNN! Just subscribe in iTunes to GNN at: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/god-network-news/id885322187 that’s all there is to it!