After a long absence, Steve is back co-hosting the podcast and here we all are again: parliament versus executive. Does Cummings have a grand strategy? Or is Johnson flying by the seat of his pants and about to crash? After a long evening watching Parliament TV, we catch up with each other and wonder where this shaggy dog story will go next.
Our rights are under immediate and serious threat from Brexit and Boris Johnson: join us on 12 October and Rally 4 Our Rights (! Also, please consider donating ( to cover costs.

After a long absence, Steve is back co-hosting the podcast and here we all are again: parliament versus executive. Does Cummings have a grand strategy? Or is Johnson flying by the seat of his pants and about to crash? After a long evening watching Parliament TV, we catch up with each other and wonder where this shaggy dog story will go next.

Our rights are under immediate and serious threat from Brexit and Boris Johnson: join us on 12 October and Rally 4 Our Rights! Also, please consider donating to cover costs.