Steve is off sick this week with a tummy bug so Chris is flying solo as host with guest Peter Wilding, aka @eurorealist, long-time Tory party insider, former head of the British Influence think tank, inventor of the dread word Brexit, and now a European Parliament candidate for Change UK. As we work our way through various beverages, we discuss the state of the Tory party and British politics, contemplate what might happen between now and the end of the Brexit Hextension, and whether Change UK really stands any chance of, well, changing the UK.
Peter's book, What Next? ( Special Guest: Peter Wilding.

Steve is off sick this week with a tummy bug so Chris is flying solo as host with guest Peter Wilding, aka @eurorealist, long-time Tory party insider, former head of the British Influence think tank, inventor of the dread word Brexit, and now a European Parliament candidate for Change UK. As we work our way through various beverages, we discuss the state of the Tory party and British politics, contemplate what might happen between now and the end of the Brexit Hextension, and whether Change UK really stands any chance of, well, changing the UK.

Peter's book, What Next?

Special Guest: Peter Wilding.