Sorry about the sound quality in this one, there was a technical hitch in recording and the sound engineer has been given a serious thrashing so he won't do it again.
We welcome Nicky James of Final Say For All to talk about the impact of Brexit on ordinary British people living in the EU27 countries. In one of our next episodes we also plan to take a closer look at the impact of Brexit on ordinary EU27 citizens living in the UK. These are real people, living real lives, working hard, often struggling to get by, who emphatically do not need this shit.
There is some swearing (again). Special Guest: Nicky James.

Sorry about the sound quality in this one, there was a technical hitch in recording and the sound engineer has been given a serious thrashing so he won't do it again.

We welcome Nicky James of Final Say For All to talk about the impact of Brexit on ordinary British people living in the EU27 countries. In one of our next episodes we also plan to take a closer look at the impact of Brexit on ordinary EU27 citizens living in the UK. These are real people, living real lives, working hard, often struggling to get by, who emphatically do not need this shit.

There is some swearing (again).

Special Guest: Nicky James.