Grab your coffee and get ready to have some fun! This week's episode features Chelsea Craig, Founder of Rhino Reviews who shares her horrible boss experience and some valuable take-aways. 

Here's the 411 on Chelsea:

Chelsea launched Rhino Reviews in 2018 with the goal of supporting small businesses in the digital space. As a daughter of a small business owner, she has witnessed first hand the stress and work it takes to build a business and is passionate about helping find solutions that allow businesses to not only grow but thrive.

Chelsea has worked with over 80 businesses in all industries, including luxury construction, digital, energy, property management, healthcare, retail, hospitality, and education, to help build or repair their online reputation by growing and leveraging their online reviews. She is both Google and Reputation Management certified and always looking to expand her knowledge in the field as the digital space is constantly changing. She has been a guest on multiple podcasts and shows allowing her the opportunity to discuss the business growth, strategy, and mission. Additionally, she is a coach for Mike Volkin's masterclass, teaching about how to leverage testimonials for your professional career.