A collection of some of the greatest roleplaying stories from across the internet!

A very sincere thank you to our Patreon patrons! You help make our dreams come true!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/cafcon

-Jennifer Fuss
-Vasil Kalov
-Matthew Moore
-Daniel Shorman
-Daestra 122
-Paul Hoffman
-Ethan Smith
-J. Bozlinski

Music: Canon in D Major - Kevin Macleod - Incompetech.com

Please see the video descriptions on Youtube for the individual links to the original stories.

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https://twitter.com/CafConIsOn (Chaz)

https://twitter.com/CafConTom (Tom)

Chaz's Fiction on Amazon Kindle :https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_ebooks_1?ie=UTF8&text=Chaz+Lebel&search-alias=digital-text&field-author=Chaz+Lebel&sort=relevancerank

The Other Shit We Never Use:

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