Next Episode: Power of Confidence

In this Episode we give some backstory /  setup about the show. We also dive into 5 things you need / 5 things you Dont need when starting your fitness journey. 

5 Things you Need when starting your Fitness Journey:

1. Community / Support

2.  Proper Workouts / Teacher / Coach

3. Proper Clothing

4. Proper Shoes for your training (Lifting or Running)

5. Nutrition

Bonus: Be Mindful

Bonus: Mobility tools (foam roller, mobility ball.. etc.)

Things You DON'T need 

1. Weight Belt

2. Gloves

3. Ego

4. Leave your old self Change is coming

5. Let go of, be aware of, Bad Nutrition habits


Friday's Workout:

4 Rounds 

12 Thrusters (95lbs for Men, 63lbs for Female)

12 Pullups

12 Box Jumps

Times Range From 9min - 15min. 

Harlow's Time was in the 9min range

JP - 11min