Previous Episode: Episode 6: Dan's Story

On today’s festive episode of the Caerphilly Works podcast we challenge eight members of the team to take part in our Caerphilly Works Christmas Quiz. Who has the best knowledge of CV’s, interview skills, Christmas songs and films? Find out either by listening on your favourite podcasting app or by watching our extra special video available on Facebook and YouTube.

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Ar bennod Nadoligaidd heddiw o’n bodlediad Caerphilly Works rydym yn herio wyth aelod o'r tîm i gymryd rhan yn ein Cwis Nadolig Gwaith Caerffili. Pwy sydd â'r wybodaeth orau am CV, sgiliau cyfweld, caneuon Nadolig a ffilmiau? Dysgwch naill ai drwy wrando ar eich hoff ap podledu neu drwy wylio ein fideo arbennig ychwanegol sydd ar gael ar Facebook ac YouTube.

Gwyliwch ar YouTube:

Gwrando ar Angor:

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