Donna is going grave robbing before the bodies are even warm. She’s headed into cubicles looking for keyboards, pens and left behind medicine balls. 

It’s Alicia Keys’ street week. If you’ve been keeping up with this semi-music podcast, you’ll know that means Alicia has an album coming out. It’s also the first street week we’ve seen since the pandemic (or whatever you’d like to call it) interrupt the norm. It is the first time Caddy and Donna see an answer to their question: will the entertainment industry ever look the same? 

Then Donna takes a trip back to Ridgemont High and gives Caddy a tour of what he has missed. Hear Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Anniston replaying a scene and taking us all down memory lane. It’s a clip from a charity read by an actor who lives down the road from Caddy and Donna. Then the show gets slapped an Explicit rating after another trip, this one up Schitt’s Creek. The Jacks use some of their podcasting perks that Jimmy Kimmel, the Emmys and Joe Rogan don’t enjoy. 

The show gets its semi-politics podcast rating on the following segment, one that covers the recent passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. It’s a solemn segment that is lightened with the fact that Donna loves a good fall video. And Mitch “The Turtle” McConnell obliges. 

To end the show, Caddy and Donna talk about the early stages of their relationship after a listener called in to ask about kindling. 

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