It’s another sing-songy Second Act here on the show today. Back in the day Caddy fell into a rabbithole following the O.J. Simpson trial. The same thing is happening as he follows the case of Derek Chauvin, whose trial is underway in Minneapolis. The segment does not take a political or social justice angle, but the perspective of a courtroom frequenter. If you’re a Day One listener you’ll know that Cadillac Jack loves a good courthouse. 

From there we touch on Mike Post with a little game. He’s one of, if not the best, TV composers in American history. Caddy brought with him some of the best bits of theme music and Donna tests her ears. Tune in to the show about 30 minutes in to hear the My Second Act original renditions. 

After that we address some recent comments from Pod Peeps. Some are pre-screened, others are not. It’ll be pretty easy for you to tell the difference- if Caddy doesn’t finish reading the message, it’s a new one. Be sure to call in with your own reviews. Depending on how flattering it is, we may read it on the show. 7704646024.