Melissa Gibson intro'd this episode of the podcast. She and her (high school sweetheart) husband live in Milton. They ALSO ran over THEIR dog in the driveway. 


Melissa took pictures of families on their front steps during the COVID-19 shutdown as a way to support Meals By Grace. $9,000 in ten days. She has had an amazing Second Act and we're so glad to have her intro Caddy and Donna's. 


Donna had a suspicious night out and ended up stroking a beaver with a stick. You read that right. 

On this True Crime episode of My Second Act, there’s a break in the case of Missing Uncle Poppy.

Donna’s “Let get Appy” segment leads to a long discussion about tools and tricks of the tracking trade.

Caddy talks about the summer when his house was the set of Beach House. One Saturday night word got out. Cars in the backyard, 15 year olds jumping out the bathroom window (they came back the next day to fix the toilet seat). What happened when Mom showed up?

Donna and Caddy talk about wake times, “sleep divorce” and what early hours look like for a morning show host. 

Then... Caddy's shirt gets too tight.