WOW! Thank you Steve Ingold for that amazing intro. That’s going to be a tough one to top. And thank you for all your support over the years.

On today’s episode of the pod Donna talks about her trip to the mall and going to see Jumanji 2…by herself. And then falling asleep in it only to be woken up to Nick Jonas himself on the silver screen.

In more serious news, God bless the angels watching over Ryan Newman. Caddy and Donna talk about the horrific crash at the Daytona 500 and the miracle it is that he is walking away from that with minor injuries. How do you change after such a close brush with death? Caddy talks about how life changed for him after his heart attack 3 years ago.

Have you heard of the game Assassin? Well, it’s a thing. And it’s happening right now at Cambridge High School in Milton, GA. Teenagers enter their “teams” and literally thousands of dollars are on the line for the winners! It is CRAZY and Caddy and Donna tell you all about it. Keep an eye out for super soakers!

Cadillac Jack. New show, same ride. Enjoy!

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Hype songs sponsored by Core 57.

Follow and connect with Caddy on Twitter @ATLCadillac

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