Huge thank you to Melanie for having the show’s intro. Melanie was one of Caddy’s first listeners back in ’94. She has become such a great friend of the family and has been a supporter since the beginning. Including at Caddy’s first wedding (where she helped limit the family fireworks).

Donna and Caddy are falling apart. Physically. As a result orthopedic shoes and gum desensitizers are a-plenty. Don’t worry- all the athletes use them.

The music world has seen a few shifts back towards normalcy. Luke Bryan has begun rescheduling concert dates, Eric Church is no longer scared of life and Country Radio has been playing Scotty on repeat. Plus, Caddy still finds corn, whiskey and tractors to be “pedestrian.”

Caddy and Donna were able to go see Nana and Mr. Al. Their perspective is always a breath of fresh air.  The conversations had a wide variety of topics, though it seems like recovery from this situation may not be as quick as expected.  Nana and Mr. Al are excited that the Braves are back, though, so some things never change. As Mr. Al says, “the cream always rises to the top.”

Caddy and Donna have a butterfly bush at the bottom of their driveway, right next to the egg frying station. Wait, what?

Donna thinks Caddy should be TieDying more. Caddy thinks Donna needs to make the turn. They both agree that it’s a direct shot from other parents if your child comes home with Moon Sand.

Call 7704646024. Can’t wait to hear from you.