Allison kicks off today’s show but luckily doesn’t mention the infamous 96-Rock halter top.. Allison is Donna’s oldest friend and “the kindest, most honest, loving person” she knows. We are so thankful for her intro and support.

Caddy starts by explaining why (and how) he threw Taylor Swift her own prom. A year later the Prom Queen sash was still on her tour bus (this was back when Taylor Swift rode busses).

Donna shares why she gets creeped out by Cabbage Patch dolls. Here’s a hint: how old is too old? Where do their names come from? What about the privates? Questions that lead to Caddy confessing some questionable details about his own childhood toys…

The show turns with a story about some bad apples at Piedmont Junior High School, leading to the comment that “unfortunately there is nothing new about what’s going on.”

Attractions are starting to reopen (like Six Flags) with certain conditions (like temperature scanners). Donna and Caddy cover the differences as the world starts returning to normal.

Plus- May’s ratings are in for Atlanta radio. Can they be framed to compliment any station? How do shows really rank their listeners?

Tune in and then text us your Cabbage Patch dolls. 7704646024.

Keep sharing with us your hometown heroes! Thanks to Hurt 911 and Threadz Ink Printing we are recognizing people doing great things, often behind the scenes, in communities everywhere. Do you know someone in your hometown who is going above and beyond during the coronavirus pandemic? NOMINATE THEM to be recognized as a “Hometown Hero”. Here is how to do it: 1) Follow 1-800-Hurt911 on Instagram 2) Post a picture on any social media platform, use the hashtag #hurt911hero and tag Caddy 3) He’ll reach out to you via direct message to coordinate getting your hero a limited edition “Home Town Hero” t-shirt.