Welcome to CableCast!

CableCast is a Pokémon VGC Podcast hosted by Caleb "Cable" Ryor whose goal is to delve deeper into the official Pokémon competitive circuit and its meta-game  by showcasing thoughts, opinions, and analysis from an always changing cast of guest VGC players.

This week Caleb is joined by returning guests and friends of the cast Kimo Nishimura and Raghav "Mudhiman" Malaviya! This being the first episode since the finals of the first Players Cup we delve into its results which is suddenly now quite relevant with Players Cup II being announced and its online qualifier being the same format, Series 5. Oh what, Series 6 is out? You want us to talk about that? Ugh sure I guess. Maybe you'll like Series 6 enough to compete in the Battle Room Brawl I'm hosting on September 19th??

Follow the host and guests on Twitter:  @CableVGC @TapuKimo @MudhimanVGC

Helpful links referenced on the cast:






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