Cable in the Classroom is pleased to present via podcast [MP3, 55MB], the March 20, 2007 edition of the U.S. Department of Education's Education News Parents Can Use.

In an era when what students know is the most important factor in determining success, postsecondary education has never been more critical. Yet, there are far too many Americans who want to go to college but can’t, either because they’re not prepared or can’t afford it. In this episode, award-winning educators, university leaders, students and other experts discuss the Commission on the Future of Higher Education's final report and the Secretary' Action Plan for Higher Education, and explore how the Department, parents, schools, and higher education institutions together can put the Commission's recommendations into action to better prepare students for college, to help them succeed once enrolled, and to make college affordable. It addresses questions such as:
Why is a college education more important than ever before? What federal, state and local strategies are helping us to meet this demand? How accessible is higher education? And how can we make it more affordable? How can we help students, especially minority youth, prepare for and succeed in college? How will the Commission on the Future of Higher Education’s final report and the Secretary’s Action Plan improve the accessibility, affordability and accountability of U.S. colleges and universities? When should parents and students start thinking about saving for college, and what programs and resources are available to help? For more information about this program, please see the U.S. Department of Education's show notes.

Technorati Tags: college, university, financial aid, financialaid, pell grant, affordability, college admissions, student loan, college cost, CIC, Cable in the Classroom, cableintheclassroom