Cable in the Classroom is pleased to present via podcast [MP3, 54MB], the May 15, 2007 edition of the U.S. Department of Education's Education News Parents Can Use.

This edition looks at how we can prepare all teachers to lead our students towards success in today’s world by showcasing award-winning teachers; exploring how effective teaching is at the core of America’s long-term economic competitiveness; highlighting alternative strategies to recruit, train, and reward effective teachers; offering tips and resources for teachers and parents on how to protect children from emergencies and counsel them in times of trauma. Educators, policymakers, and practitioners discuss key questions such as:
What does “effective teaching” mean and what is the Department doing to promote it? What is a “highly qualified” teacher and why are teachers so important to student achievement? What can we do to better recruit, train, and reward teachers, especially those in critical subjects like math and science or those who teach in high-need schools? What programs does the Department of Education offer to help improve teaching and learning? How can parents ensure that a high-quality teacher teaches their child? What questions should they ask of their teachers and school administrators to ensure effective teaching? How do the President’s 2008 budget proposals—like the Teacher Incentive Fund, loan forgiveness programs and the Adjunct Teacher Corps—help to fill critical teaching shortages in high-need schools and subjects? How can teachers and parents better protect children from school violence or other emergencies, and how can they help children to recover in the event of one? For more information about this program, please see the U.S. Department of Education's show notes.

Technorati Tags: teacher quality, hqt, new teacher project, teach for america, nctq, national center on teacher quality, center for teaching quality, CIC, Cable in the Classroom, cableintheclassroom