Cable in the Classroom is pleased to present via podcast [MP3, 52MB], the January 16, 2007 edition of the U.S. Department of Education's Education News Parents Can Use.

This episode features examples of high-performing public schools that are meeting the goals of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), where all students are succeeding. The program profiles these schools, featuring stories of their classrooms in action and conversations with principals and education experts about how assessment, accountability, parent options and a firm belief that all children can learn is raising the bar as never before. It addresses questions such as:
Five years after being signed into law, how do we know that No Child Left Behind is working? What are the core principles of the law and what do they mean? How do they help students learn? How can the reforms of the law be extended to high school and beyond, and why is this important to American competitiveness? What kinds of options does No Child Left Behind offer to parents, especially those of students struggling in school? How can parents better take advantage of these choices or find out more about them? What are some examples of award-winning schools that have all children learning at grade level today, and what can other schools learn from their examples? What new ideas have strengthened No Child Left Behind over the years, such as growth model pilots, teacher incentives, and other initiatives? For more information about this program, please see the U.S. Department of Education's show notes.

Technorati tags: Parents, News, NCLB, US Department of Education, public domain, CIC, Cable in the Classroom, cableintheclassroom, CIC

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