Cable in the Classroom is pleased to present via podcast [MP3, 52MB], the May 16, 2006 edition of the U.S. Department of Education's Education News Parents Can Use.

This episode highlights the latest information and tools for parents provided under the federal No Child Left Behind Act and provide tips, resources and advice on how parents—especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds—can access valuable information on the performance of their children’s schools and exercise the full range of options available to them under the law. It addresses questions such as:
What are the latest tools and options for parents under No Child Left Behind?What does the research show about the results and “success stories” of parental options? How do these options enable student performance?How can parents access their children’s NCLB school “report cards” and take full advantage of the options available to them under the law?If a child is attending a school “in need of improvement," where does a parent go to find out information on school choice options and approved supplemental service providers?What are Opportunity Scholarships and how might they benefit parents whose children attend chronically underperforming schools?What resources does the Department provide to inform parents about the full range of options available to them under the law?
For more information about this program, please see the U.S. Department of Education's show notes.

Listeners may also be interested in the Summer 2006 edition of Cable in the Classroom's Threshold (produced in partnership with the National PTA), which focused on the future of parental involvement in education.

Technorati tags: parents, news, NCLB, US Department of Education, public domain, CIC, Cable in the Classroom