A discussion of 2016 reading goals with Christina Vasilevski

This episode I'm joined by Christina Vasilevski (@cvasilevski on Twitter) who blogs about books and tea at booksandtea.ca.  We talk about Christina's reviewing process (and endlessly fascinating and occasionally frustrating topic for me), and our reading goals for 2016.  This episode also kicks off a new feature - readers and curators of short science fiction & fantasy recommending a few stories!  We're starting with friend of the show Anna (@ForestOfGlory).

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Some of the venues Christina read and listened to for short science fiction & fantasy: 

Podcasts - Escape Pod, PseudoPod, Podcastle

Magazines (many with an associated podcast) - Clarkesworld, Lightspeed, Daily Science Fiction, Electric Velocipede (closed in 2013), Destroy Science Fiction (an annual event from Lightspeed)

Review of Fifth Season & Discussion 

2016 Canada Reads Competition - Started in 2001, Canada Reads is CBC's annual battle of the books, where five Canadian personalities select the book they think Canadians should read. Each personality selects a book to defend and the books are eliminated one by one until a winner is declared. The debates air on CBC Radio One.

 Leonicka (@Leonicka) and The FOLD - Festival of Literary Diversity, Strange Horizons (Fiction & nonfiction)

Bella's Bookshelves, early review of The Guilty Plea


Renay's Challenge


Three recommended short stories:

"The House of Aunts" http://giganotosaurus.org/2011/12/01/the-house-of-aunts/

The Contemporary Foxwife http://clarkesworldmagazine.com/lee_07_14/

Points of Origin http://www.tor.com/2015/11/04/points-of-origin-marissa-lingen/


Another view on "diverse" reading goals I stumbled across yesterday that's also worth a read.  From Jezebel: Damn You're Not Reading Any Books By White Men This Year? That's So Freaking Brave and Cool!

The amazing art which inspired me to actually get this project off the ground was created by @etrandem

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Music - Jazzy Ashes by The Underscore Orkestra

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