Daddy wasn't there
Daddy wasn't there,
To take me to the fair,
To cange my underwear,
It seems he doesn't caaaarrrrreeee!!!
Daddy wasn't there.

Join The Cabbage Club in this weeks episode for an exciting review of Ted Lasso Season 2 Episode 8 "Man-City."

The Cabbage club is a podcast run by two best friends Casey and Kaden. We bring you weekly reactions to your favorite movies, TV shows, Animation, and Books. So follow along and become a Cabbage in the cabbage patch.

Check us out on twitter at: @club_cabbage
Check us out on reddit at: r/thecabbageclub

The episode is created by: Casey Gibbons and Kaden Brigance
The podcast music is created by: Gage Brigance and Kaden Brigance