According to the renowned author, Stephen R Covey, Trust is the glue of life. Without trust we can’t build personal relationships and we therefore cannot expect to be able to build any kind of business.

But what is trust and how does this complex subject play out in the Startup world? In this fascinating episode, entrepreneurship expert Kajal Sanghrajka explores the issue of trust and focuses the subject lens on female founders. 

Listen to this episode to learn how and where women are most likely to be trusted less compared to their male counterparts. By tuning in you’ll also discover what Kajal says about startups sustaining trust through Covid, how women in business should view the issue of imposter syndrome and much more.

Learn more about our special guest

Passionate about supporting the growth of early to mid stage businesses, Kajal Sanghrajka is an experienced entrepreneur, speaker in demand and advisor to many. Globally networked and with a finger on the pulse of global startup trends, Kajal is typically to be found at forefront of development work within the entrepreneurship industry.

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A bit of podcast author background...

UK-based Peter Harrington set up his first business following graduation in York in 1989. He has since started and grown several companies in various sectors including research, marketing, design, print, educational software and consultancy. Over the last 30+ years, Peter has employed over 1,000 people and experienced many highs and a few lows including burglaries, floods, fire and of course the most recent pandemic.

As well as being the CEO with the SimVenture team, Peter is also an Entrepreneur in Residence at London South Bank University.

Big thanks to LSE Generate, the SimVenture Team and Seajam Moths for supporting the Startup Survival Podcast.

Find Guest details and all Reference Sources

The full podcast series together with additional materials, guest details and hyperlinks to all episode reference sources is available on Peter Harrington's Blog 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to Entrepreneurship'