C View proudly welcomes back best-selling true paranormal author and medium Rob Gutro. In his latest book, "Ghosts of Ireland on a Medium’s Vacation," Gutro shares his captivating experiences encountering ghosts in various locations across Ireland. Just in time for St. Patrick's Day, the book takes readers on a paranormal tour through haunted places, including prisons, castles, churches, and even a shopping mall with a tragic past.

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The show delves into Gutro's encounters, providing insights into the history of each haunted location, accompanied by his own sketches of ghosts and photographs. Organized alphabetically by County, the book serves as an intriguing travel guide, allowing readers to explore Ireland while learning about its rich history and the lingering spirits that inhabit its landscapes.

Gutro, known for his "Ghosts on a Medium’s Vacation" series, distinguishes between earthbound ghosts and spirits who have crossed over, sharing his personal experiences with both in his other popular series, "Pets and the Afterlife" and "Ghosts and Spirits." The Rob Gutro Show not only offers a glimpse into the supernatural but also provides a platform for sharing paranormal stories and resources.

Listeners can connect with Rob Gutro on various social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, where he shares insights, live videos, and engages with the paranormal community. Gutro offers readings for pets who have passed on through his website, www.robgutro.com.

With a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective on the paranormal, Rob Gutro brings his expertise to the airwaves, captivating audiences with ghostly tales, historical insights, and a deep understanding of the spirit world.