C View 2022 proudly presents best-selling author and pet medium Rob Gutro’s with a the topic "Pets and the Afterlife 3: Messages from Spirit Dogs" -  this is his 8th book just been awarded an honor by BookAuthority as one of the 16 best books on grief and loss. The book also reached Amazon #1 New Seller status when it was published earlier in 2021.

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Pets and the Afterlife 3 is the third book in a successful series that teaches grieving pet parents how pets communicate from the afterlife and focuses exclusively on signs from dogs in afterlife. Through illustrative stories of how pets in spirit give signs to either their pet parents directly, or through interpretive readings with Rob, readers will learn how to recognize and interpret signs on their own from their pets who have passed. Also included is a chapter written by a licensed psychologist whom describes ways of coping with the loss of a beloved pet. "I wrote this book to bring comfort to people who lost a pet and explain how our dogs and cats give us messages from the other side," Gutro said.

Rob Gutro is an author, paranormal investigator and medium with Inspired Ghost Tracking of Maryland. He's become known as a pet medium, although he communicate with pets and people who have passed. Since he was a child he could receive messages from ghosts or spirits (who have crossed over).

He wrote the books in hopes to teach others how ghosts and Spirits communicate with the living and to give proof of the afterlife. As a scientist, he also provides some scientific explanations about how energy is the baseline for the afterlife and the medium that entities use to communicate.

Website: www.Robgutro.com or www.petspirits.com

Amazon Author Page: amazon.com/author/robgutro