C View welcomes Terrie Christine with her show the Secret Power of You! November theme: I’m So Grateful for You – Are You Talking To Me? Terrie Christine helps us identify and clear blockages around GRATITUDE - She helps people all over the world as an Intuitive Energy Healer and Psychic Medium. Each one, including YOU, has been guided to call today.

call (805) 830-8344 Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/12016751

With her podcast, Terrie Christine has helped thousands of callers like you access clarity, results, understanding, and a sense of peace and freedom. Through her work she helps her fans clear away their stories and fears that are wrapped around old energetic blocks which hold you back and often contribute to emotional and physical chronic pain.

Aside from this show, Terrie Christine works with clients in-person and remotely throughout the United States and internationally. She continues to be a source of emotional and spiritual healing in people’s lives and the larger self-empowerment community.

Work With Terrie Christine, as an Intuitive Energy Healer, she uncovers in a matter of seconds the experiences you faced which led to the creation of your limiting beliefs. She’ll show you the way to release your blocks to create a life full of abundance, health and clarity – in an easy and profound way.

THE SECRET POWER OF YOU reveals the mystery of your own intuition; how limiting beliefs trigger your responses and your subconscious runs your present life. Unravel the negative energy wrapped around your past life history to expose the stories you tell yourself that keep you from living an open, joyous life, filled with clarity, comfort peace, abundance and love.

Contact Terrie to book by emailing [email protected] or calling 240-600-1171
