C View presents host Jane Smolnik Boyd with her transformational show "Entering The Shift of the Ages: Navigating These Important Times".

Ready for the NEXT Level? Join Dr. Jane as we continue this exploration and expansions!

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You probably have heard talk about us going into this great ascension cycle, and the energies rising, the veil lifting, etc. Do you understand what that means? This is a new thing for all of us, but make no mistake, it is happening!

What does that mean? What is it?
How will it impact our daily lives? Personally, Financially, Socially?
How will it impact our consciousness? Our Awareness?
How will it impact our health? Our health care system?
How will it impact our communities? Our society? Our planet?
What can we do to align ourselves and accelerate the process?
Get tips and ideas on how we can stay balanced emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Don't miss this insightful and eye-opening talk! Ask questions as well.

Dr. Jane Smolnik Boyd has been a pioneer in the field of holistic health for over 36 years, as well as exploring our innate conscious and metaphysical abilities. She is a Master Herbalist, Doctor of Natural Medicine, Certified Intuitive Healer, Kinesiologist, licensed Avatar Master and Wizard, and the creator of the Biofield Clearing technique, along with her loving 'Guides'. You may visit her websites at UltimateHealing.com;  AwakenMyWisdom.com; and BiofieldClearing.com.