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Today’s Topics:

Justin Gaethje is not happy about the prospect of Conor McGregor getting a UFC lightweight title shot

Justin Gaethje should fight Conor McGregor next to see if he learned anything about defending leg kicks

Gaethje’s threat to never fight again in the UFC is one he cannot back up

Ike Villanueva doesn’t like the UFC bonus process…neither do I. I also hate the win/show pay design

Let’s talk about ethics and the conflict of interest with the UFC using active fighters as commentators

Georges St-Pierre makes sense when talking about Conor McGregor’s next fight, but ego might stand in the way

Nicco Montano booked for a fight and training while still suffering from a concussion..why?

Do you know something about UFC, USADA, an MMA manager or a fighter, that I should know? You can email me at [email protected] or contact me via ProtonMail at [email protected]

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