Today’s topics:

UFC released Jussier Formiga. I doubt he’s going to be the last really good, but just short of great fighter to be released. Again, the quality of UFC events will keep dropping until the ratings take a dump. Don’t pledge blind allegiance to the UFC.

Sure, judging in MMA is a problem, but the bigger problem is the win/show pay. If fighters got a flat rate, they wouldn’t have to worry about a judge “costing” them. Point the finger at Dana White and the UFC and the stupid pay method, not the judging. (08:14)

Jon Jones says USADA did not find a steroid in his system. USADA sanctions say otherwise. (12:00)

Do you know something about UFC, USADA, an MMA manager or a fighter, that I should know? You can email me at [email protected] or contact me via secure messaging on Telegram at trentreinsmith or via ProtonMail at [email protected]

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