C.L.E Radio interviews Thi'sl about his current release Chronicles of an X-Husla. He shares his testimony and has some things to say about Pro!

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3. Merge, Mark J, An Everyday World

4. SPF, Humble T.I.P, About Business

5. Thi'sl Interview, Thi'sl, C.L.E Radio

6. Get Buck, Flame, Our World Redeemed

7. Thi'sl Interview, Thi'sl, C.L.E Radio

8. I Forgive You, Thi'sl, Chronicles of an X-Hustler

9. Thi'sl Interview, Thi'sl, C.L.E Radio

10. I Aint Turnin Back, Thi'sl Feat. Flame, Chronicles of an X-Hustler

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