First up we welcome Kuhio Lewis from Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement, whoÊ»s here to tell us about the Pop-Up Makeke and the open call for vendors for the 3rd Season. Then weÊ»re joined by Virginia Beck, Public Access Coordinator and Chris Lam, Senate IT Director, to talk about the Public Access Room, tech resources … Continue reading "Episode 656: Pop-up Makeke + Public Access Room – March 24, 2021"

Photo (l:r) Burt Lum, Kuhio Lewis, Virginia Beck, Chris Lam

First up we welcome Kuhio Lewis from Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement, whoʻs here to tell us about the Pop-Up Makeke and the open call for vendors for the 3rd Season.

Then weʻre joined by Virginia Beck, Public Access Coordinator and Chris Lam, Senate IT Director, to talk about the Public Access Room, tech resources for remote testimony and how it all supports the legislative process.

If you missed us live you can always catch us on the HPR website, Google Podcasts, iTunes and Stitcher!

Episode 656: Pop-up Makeke + Public Access Room – March 24, 2021