All about the eagles.

Jared, Oriana and Ned talk about Oriana’s choice of topic: the Eagles.
Most familiar to Tolkien readers via the lordly and imposing figure of
Gwaihir, identified as the Lord of the Eagles in both The Hobbit and The Lord
of the Rings, the Eagles have a recurring role in many of the stories of
Middle-earth, acting as emissaries, guardians, intercessors and figures of
warning or doom. They serve the Valar, their leader Manwë in particular, but
often seem to be following their own particular code of living. However, a
recent tweet based off a Polygon article about them in their Lord of the Rings
series this year revived an old—and rather tiresome—controversy about whether
the Eagles act as a deus ex machina in the plots of the stories—or even more
tiresomely, are somehow supposed to be a plot hole. What are the roots of
eagles in mythology in general, and how has that impact on the human
imagination played out in Tolkien’s legendarium? Do the Eagles even
particularly care about what is happening in realms beyond their own, and
regard nearly everyone and everything as being of a piece? What do the sudden
appearances of Gwaihir’s ancestor Thorondor at various points in the published
Silmarillion say about how they function in terms of both being Manwë’s
servants and in noting the working out of the Doom of Mandos? And how is it
that such lofty, indeed arrogant figures like the Eagles have incredibly sharp
senses of humor?

Show Notes.

. Would
you like to fly, on my beautiful ea-gle…

Uh yeah get your shots, the end.

That spy
. Questions, questions, we have them!

Our episode about Orcs.

Blue Harvest! Horror beyond

Blue Origin! Also horror beyond

The HarperCollins UK
Andy Serkis’s further audiobook work, with further links.

That Foreign Policy piece “Comrades of the Ring” — worth a read!

The Eagles! They fly around.

That misleading Polygon
. They could do

The Tolkien Gateway summary of Letter
, Tolkien’s response to the
screenwriting treatment created in the late 1950s.

“Someone is WRONG on the Internet.”

CinemaSins? We hate it.

Edmund Wilson’s “Oo, Those Awful

does not appear to contain any Eagles complaints.

Bored of the Rings. It’s
very, very of its time.

Deus ex machina! It’s a

The Peter Jackson Beorn bear
. Well, yes, there we go.

Eagles in world mythology? You’re
darn right it’s a

We only know so much about the Sky

Superstore! Probably
a defining US comedy of the second half of the 2010s.

Metro Micro, should you so desire.

Ted Naismith’s painting of the cloud eagle in the
West as Númenor approaches its doom.

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