Previous Episode: Teen Wolf (1985)
Next Episode: Splash (1984)

5 steps to creating a commercial flop that becomes a cult classic.

Step 1-Give me the most Scottish actor alive and make him a Spaniard

Step 2-Give me a Swedish actor who speaks no English, and make him Scottish

Step 3-Convince Freddie Mercury and Queen to make nine songs for your movie

Step 4-Use Scottish intoxicated extras to film the large fight scenes

Step 5-Have the guy who voices Mr. Krabs act terrifying in a church

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the 1986 classic Highlander. Today on Buzzn The Tower, we join the gathering, take the quickening, and discuss Highlander until only one of us is standing…because as we all know, there can be only one. I'm Mo Shapiro and joining me as always the MacLeod to my Ramirez, Max Sanders. And with that...