Photographer Jodi Champagne lives in Palmdale, California, and her goal is to tell a story, raise awareness, make a difference. She has traveled worldwide to capture humanity with compassion and heart. Her photographs have appeared in National Geographic and Sports Illustrated.

Champagne's first book, "Courage Under Wraps," was a day-in-the-life portrait of then-16-year-old Nicholas Zahorcak, who has a rare genetic disorder called recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa where the skin is so delicate any type of friction can cause blistering. 

Jodi's latest project is an exquisite in-depth look at our Veterans, as she traveled across the country collecting their stories, valuing our nation’s history from those who actually made it. “Diminishing Generations” is a personal interactive adventure in book and video in a high tech presentation never done before.  

The books are available for purchase on Champagne's website at

Part of the proceeds from "Courage Under Wraps" will go to the EBMRF (EB Medical Research Foundation)

Proceeds from the "Diminishing Generations" books go to support the Gary Sinise Foundation.