Hahaha holy shit, right? Jeremy was gracious enough to come be punished by us about a wide variety of things including: His old bands, his label, shirt brand textures, Coen Brothers films and so much more. You even hear a bit about the fabled missing BBOB episode. 

Jeremy is a wonderfully talented and just as busy person, you can find him here:

Personal accounts for Instagram and Twitter are @JeremyXBolm

He runs a podcast that both Bordello boys listen to most weeks called The First Ever Podcast and that is on Instagram under @TheFirstEverPodcast and on Twitter under @TheFirstEverPod. You can check it out on both Spotify and Apple Podcasts using the link here: https://linktr.ee/thefirsteverpodcast

Jeremy plays in the bands Touché Amoré and Hesitation Wounds, Touché are heading out on a UK\EU tour later this year and you can find all of that information here: https://www.toucheamore.com/ and on both Twitter and Instagram under @ToucheAmore and as for Hesitation Wounds, you can find them under @hesitationwounds on Instagram.

You can find the Bordello Boys on Twitter:



