Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 013. Nothing ruins my plans and my busy schedule the way a family member getting sick does.  Everyone of us has a job and a role and if somebody is sick, we have to scramble and re-prioritize and figure it all out. So I make sure that I do […]

Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 013.

Nothing ruins my plans and my busy schedule the way a family member getting sick does.  Everyone of us has a job and a role and if somebody is sick, we have to scramble and re-prioritize and figure it all out.

So I make sure that I do everything possible to strengthen our immune systems and keep us healthy.  I don’t try to avoid all bacteria and viruses and germs.  Instead I try to build our immune systems so that we can handle whatever gets thrown our way.

During this episode, you’ll also hear a little bit about my upcoming trip and why it’s a first for me.  Plus Greyden joins me and talks about getting sick, staying healthy, and gifts.

I hope this episode gives you some ideas and encouragement to help you strengthen your family’s immune systems now, long before cold and flu season arrive.

Please leave me a comment and let me know what you’ve found to be helpful in keeping you healthy.

Thanks for listening!  Join me next week as I talk about when to visit the doctor.


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