Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 006. Clutter is out of control in most American homes, and I believe it is a major factor in why so many women are overwhelmed by their lives.  The mountains of clutter residing in your home can weigh you down and cause you stress without you even realizing it. […]

Busy Mom’s Survival Guide Podcast Episode 006.

Clutter is out of control in most American homes, and I believe it is a major factor in why so many women are overwhelmed by their lives.  The mountains of clutter residing in your home can weigh you down and cause you stress without you even realizing it.

This podcast episode is part one in a series on clutter.  During this podcast episode, I am joined by my friend Lori Lynch.   I asked Lori to join me because her home and most of her possessions were destroyed by the F4 tornado that recently ripped through our area.  In an instant, her life was instantly decluttered of all her possessions and I thought she could offer a great perspective on what is truly important.

During this podcast we’ll be talking about the tornado, the blessings that came from it, and the perspective that the tornado gave us on the clutter in our lives.   The next episode will discuss some of the types of clutter as well giving tips on how to make some difficult choices on what to remove.  I’ll end the series by discussing ways to organize what remains and how to keep your home clutter free on an ongoing basis.

I would love to know what you thought of this episode and where your home stands when it comes to clutter.  You can comment on the blog post below or leave a message on The Busy Mom’s Survival Guide feedback line at 240-230-SOAP.

Episodes in series:

Getting Rid of Clutter Part I
Getting Rid of Clutter Part II
Getting Rid of Clutter Part III

Thanks for listening! Join me next week as we continue the discussion of getting rid of clutter.


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