I am so glad to be back! I took three weeks off from the podcast. If you have been here since the beginning, you know that I’ve only taken one week off in the past seven years. It was one of those summers where I gave myself time to rest, and I pulled out some replay episodes.

I planned to come back last week, but I got sick and lost my voice. I am here now and am so excited about what’s on the horizon, especially my first book coming out. This week is a solo episode and we’re talking about figuring out your vision and purpose for your life.

5:18 – Have a vision The Bible says where there is no vision, people perish. Ask yourself, if money were no object, what would you do with the rest of your life? What do you think God put you here to do? 7:34 – Spend time with God Are you regularly spending time with God? Are you reading the Bible? That’s God’s love letter to us. Reading the Bible will help you spot the fake, phony lies. 10:51 – Pray This sounds overly simplistic. But when you are intentional with prayer, things happen. Call on your Heavenly Father. You can pray literally anytime. 13:03 – Be part of a Godly community Take an extra step and invite people into your space and your life. You cannot do this alone. Cultivate a Godly community. FEATURED QUOTES

Today, I’m going through the three things that really begin to help you understand what your vision and purpose is for your life.

Ask yourself, if money were no object, what would you do with the rest of your life?

Are you regularly spending time with God?