Buckle up, friends. You’re in for a treat today. My guest is Jamie Winship, who has spent decades bringing peaceful solutions to some of the world’s highest conflict areas. Jamie is the co-founder of Identity Exchange and Identity Method, a training and consulting company, committed to significantly enhancing the resiliency level of people by teaching them the transformative power of living fearlessly in their true identity.

After a distinguished career in law enforcement in the metro Washington, D.C. area, Jamie had a unique opportunity to bring his identity-centric approach of transformation to the field of education.

3:37 – Jamie 101 Jamie was born in Washington, D.C. and dreamed of being a police officer. He went to college and then worked in a police department, which he loved. Jamie worked overseas and came back to the U.S. in 2016. He wanted to help U.S. cities deal with gangs. 24:19 – The mind of Christ One of the great incentives of being in the Kingdom of knowing Christ is that you have the mind of Christ and you’re filled with the spirit of the living God. That doesn’t make you morally better. It means you think at a different level. Evil doesn’t require imagination. Evil just imitates. 43:11 – What are you afraid of? Jamie often asks people what the main negative emotion they’re dealing with is. Fear is the most common response he hears. Ask yourself: What are you most afraid of? 56:11 – Christian parents There’s no such thing as a Christian parent. Your gift to the world is who you are. Two gifts parents can give children is to help them hear from God and know who they are. 1:04:21 – An angel standing guard Jamie tells a memorable story about an angel standing guard over him and his coworkers during a tense time. FEATURED QUOTES

The truth sets people free. It doesn’t accuse them.

One of the great incentives of being in the Kingdom of knowing Christ is that you have the mind of Christ and you’re filled with the spirit of the living God.

Evil doesn’t require imagination. Evil just imitates.

Most people who are praying are praying from a false identity.

We’re taught to introduce ourselves in ways that cause division.

Once you get your identity from God and God alone, you’re unstoppable.
