I believe in my heart of hearts that everyone, yes, everyone, is born with a gift. Now, I don’t know what your gift may be, but you, listening right now, you have a gift that was given to you at birth. Maybe you can sing, or dance, or you love to organize, or you really love spreadsheets (that’s my husband), or you love to cook. Maybe you’re good at math. Maybe you’re a good writer, or you love to fix things and you just have a knack for it. Maybe you’re artistic. Whatever it is, you have it! One of the things I love to see is when people take that gift that they were given (or passion or hobby), and they say “I’m going to find a way to use this gift to help somebody else.” That is when your gift becomes a gift to someone else! My guest this week is Nathan Thomas, the founder and executive director of All We Are. All We Are blossomed out of a personal initiative of Nathan’s in 2009 after working in the New ABC Divine Boarding School in Kampala, Uganda. He is so passionate about empowering young leaders around the world and working to help people realize their potential. This was a really fun conversation; he actually got to join me live in the studio and I loved, loved, loved my time with Nathan. I know you will, too! AVOCADO TOAST & CHANGING THE WORLD Nathan and I have many things in common, including a love of avocado toast and a passion to change the world. Nathan uses this passion to make a difference in Uganda by empowering communities in a multitude of ways. From computers to clean water to women’s empowerment to a goal to electrify 50 schools by 2025, Nathan and his All We Are team hopes to tackle problems big and small to help the communities he considers family. THE POWER OF MONEY From natural disasters to health and financial crises, there is always a way for people to get involved and make a difference. Sometimes, though, people’s help can actually not be helpful at all. For example, often times after a natural disaster, people donate stuff rather than money because it feels more personal. Nathan and I talk about how giving clothes and other things is great, but not when people don’t have a use for the stuff or don’t have a place to put these things. Sometimes, the best way to help is just to donate your money. THE LEARNING CURVE Whenever you start a business or an organization or whatever it may be, the first few years are so key in learning what works for you and what doesn’t, and Nathan knows this well. These days, Nathan doesn’t ship anything out to Uganda, he buys everything locally. However, this wasn’t the case at the start of All We Are. As Nathan and I talk about the growth of All We Are, you’ll find out why Nathan chooses to skip the shipping. About Nathan Thomas, Founder & Executive Director of All We Are: Nathan is the Founder and Executive Director of All We Are. AWA blossomed out of a personal initiative started in 2009 after working with the New ABC Divine Boarding School in Kampala, Uganda. Nathan graduated from the University of Cincinnati in 2015 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and now works as a Resident Engineer for Leoni Wiring Systems in Raleigh, North Carolina. Nathan is passionate about empowering young leaders and works to help people realize their potential. Nathan has served as President of the Rotary Club of Raleigh Midtown as well as Strategic Advisor for the 91Four project. CONNECT WITH NATHAN:

Website:  https://allweare.org Instagram:  @awanonprofit Twitter:  @awanonprofit Facebook:  All We Are Youtube:  All We Are LinkedIn: Nathan Thomas Special thanks to CAUSEBOX for sponsoring this week’s Business with Purpose podcast. Use coupon code MOLLY for $15 off!

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