My guest this week is the incredible Rose Booth. With over 30 years of experience in technology and publishing, Rose is a dedicated mentor and counselor, passionate about ministry and teaching. She is also the co-host of the podcast, One Single Thought.

In December 2021, Rose's life took a turn when she became an amputee, offering her a new perspective on life. Her first book, Dancing in the Valley: Finding Life and Joy Amidst the Shadow of Death Nipping at My Heels, was released in December 2023.

I’m so excited to have her on the show today to share her inspiring story and talk about the power of surrender, as well as the growth that comes from navigating through dark valleys. Her story is such a powerful reminder that, even in our darkest moments, God is faithful and His plans for us are always good.

2:03 – Rose 101

Rose’s involvement with her church + journey as an author and podcast host Being born to parents who experienced 18 years of infertility Being instilled with a sense of independence from a young age

16:50 – Facing the Valley

Rose’s series of health complications and surgeries Grappling with questions of faith and purpose Rose’s pivotal moment of surrender

27:45 – Navigating Setbacks

The unexpected setbacks that kept Rose from healing Deciding to undergo amputation Yearning to be with Jesus

36:44 – Finding Strength in Surrender

Encouragement for those in the valley Growing in the darkest places God is working all things for good

46:13 – Takeaways + Rose’s Life Today

How Rose is doing physically today Publishing her book + future projects


“The worst time of my life, God used to make my dreams come true.”

“God will grow you more when you're in the darkness than He ever will in the light. It's one of the only things that grows in the dark and it's our faith.”

“If we think in the valley that we are where we're supposed to be because it's part of God's plan, then we know that this is ultimately going to work out for His good and His glory.”

Learn more about Rose:

Order Rose’s book, Dancing in the Valley

One Single Thought podcast:

Rose on social media: