One question that we get asked a lot is, how do I price my offer? How do I know what value to attach to my deliverables?

So, on today’s episode, we’re going to talk through three ways that we approach this with our Business With Impact Academy™ members…some of which are a very different way to ask these questions in your business!

And we’ll even throw in a few things that we wouldn't recommend doing when it comes to pricing your offer…some mistakes we often see in the online business world.

So, have a pen and paper ready to take all the notes! Let’s dive in!


→ Grab Selena Soo’s FREE publicity calendar!

→ Grab Rachel’s NEW 40 ways to bring more traffic to your offer checklist to help bring ORGANIC leads into your business!

→ Have a business question for Rachel? Send in your business questions to Rachel HERE!

→ See a copy of this week's show notes HERE!

→ Follow Rachel on Instagram: @rachelrmcmichael