In the world of sports, there are winners and there’s everyone else. On rare occasion, one of those winners will transcend that very title, transcend their sport and rise beyond the rafters. Jordan, LeBron, Peyton, Phelps, Tiger – super-human athletes who’s combination of skill, drive, determination and sheer will to become the greatest set them apart. When you reach that platform, you’ve become a “LOCK.”

While we can’t all become Locks on the field, the world of Fantasy Sports currently offers an alternative outlet to over 41 million Americans. But despite being the 9th fastest growing industry in the world, most have been playing the same way, on the same platforms for the last 15 years. As technology evolves, stagnation within a market becomes problematic, and ultimately offers incredible opportunity to elicit change.

We at SportsLock decided to be that “change.”