Tamar Geller is a New York Times bestselling author & as OPRAH says “A Life Coach for Dogs and their People”. Known for her innovative methods, enthusiasm, and celebrity clients like Ben Affleck, John Stewart, Larry King, Charlize Theron, Natalie Portman, & of course OPRAH, Tamar has transformed lives and impacted relationships not only for dogs but also of people. The Loved Dog method that Tamar created close to 30 yrs ago is based on the knowledge she acquired as an intelligence officer and from the wisdom of nature during the time she spent observing wolves in the wild. Understanding firsthand the challenges of being a veteran Tamar has created a nonprofit program Operation Heroes & Hounds that measurably empowers the lives of veterans and shelter dogs.
Preferring the term “life coach” to “dog trainer,” and “well-mannered” to “obedient,” she provides insight to millions of dog enthusiasts nationwide as the former resident dog expert on “The Today Show.” Tamar has also appeared several times on Oprah!