Film and television actor and personality Dallas Page has been entertaining millions of fans for over 20 years. The athletic, 52 year-old Page knew at an early age that he was born to entertain. His grandmother called him “energetic”—truly an understatement. Whether it was barreling through his grandma’s kitchen on his tricycle, swinging from chandeliers at the babysitter’s house, or cannonballs at neighborhood pool parties, Page knew how to grab an audience and have them eat out of the palm of his hand.

In addition to acting, Page is the co-developer of DDP YOGA, a revolutionary fitness program that takes the principles of yoga and supercharges them with old school calisthenics, core stability training and isometric and Dynamic resistance training to give an intense, complete body workout. Page also conducts inspirational seminars in the corporate and educational environment, guiding audiences through branding and goal-setting using his own formulas and self-taught techniques. Page regularly visits the troops in Iraq, as well as boys and girls clubs and youth sports camps throughout the U.S., giving inspirational speeches and DDP YOGA demonstrations. In 1999 he published his autobiography: Positively Page: The Diamond Dallas Page Story.