Patrick Rettig is the story, an exposé of a man who is absolutely the last stop for a business owner in financial turmoil. This particular time in the life of an entrepreneur is the quintessential heartbreak of dreams and hope. One would think that financial decisions had been made that were incorrect, that alliances had been broken or that the economy had shifted. Moreover the uncomfortable thinking is that the corporation and its founder were simply a bad deal. The word bankruptcy and reorganization are ghostly specters in the night for those people who must embrace failure. There have been successes in the past but now they seem to be only a memory. Money is a threat because it is only represented in bills that are impossible to pay. At this point catastrophic end is real. The thought of losing one’s livelihood and quality of life is accurate and eminent. There is a man, however, who is not afraid of insolvency or the demons that walk in that mindset. Rettig is the name that will absolutely turnaround a hopeless situation. But it is not easy. The family has to understand that everybody has a job not just the owner of the company…wife, husband, children, employees. All of them have a job, a responsibility to bring back to life a corporation on life support. Rettig, or Patrick as he is referred to by his clients, is a single soldier pushing back chaos. He adheres to the letter of the law and is excruciatingly honest. His manner and technique is unorthodox, unruly and irreverent. He rebuilds the man at the top, inspiring him to pick up his sword and shield one more time and fight for his life, the most honorable match with destiny.

A highly acclaimed security expert, published author, and keynote speaker who provides compelling insight into cyber security issues of the day, Tom Patterson provides clarity while delivering a high energy view into security that is of critical importance today. Patterson shares his insights and incredible knowledge on an area a lot of us either don't know about, or is just to confusing to understand. If you have any questions regarding internet security do not miss this compelling interview! Currently CSC's Global GM for Cybersecurity Consulting, Tom has run security services for Deloitte in EMEA, was IBM's Chief eCommerce Strategist and a venture-backed founder/CEO. Tom has worked on security for the launch of a nuclear aircraft carrier and space shuttle as well as for the U.S. Government and plus businesses around the world. The author of Mapping Security, Tom is a frequent guest security expert on TV including CNBC and CNN.

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