Join Lee as he delves into the crucial role of rest in personal and professional growth. Drawing from his experience training for marathons, Lee highlights the necessity of rest periods for muscles to grow and strengthen. He parallels this concept with the workplace, emphasising the importance of downtime between meetings to allow for reflection, action, and progress. Through relatable analogies and thoughtful insights, Lee encourages listeners to consider how adequate rest can lead to enhanced performance and overall well-being. 


Rest is essential for growth: Just like muscles need rest to grow stronger after exercise, individuals and organizations require rest periods to reflect, recuperate, and progress effectively.

Back-to-back meetings hinder productivity: Constantly being in meetings without breaks can lead to fatigue and limit the opportunity to act on tasks and initiatives discussed during those meetings.

Reflection is key to personal and professional growth: Taking time to reflect, unpack thoughts, and work through challenges can lead to personal development and improved performance in the workplace.

Create space for action: Allocating time between meetings to work on action items and allowing individuals to physically rest and mentally unpack information can lead to better outcomes and growth.

Balance is crucial: Just as a balanced workout routine includes rest days, a balanced approach to work involves creating space for reflection, action, and personal growth to achieve optimal results.


"Rest and not just keep doing activities... I need to rest to be able to grow." 

"Growth only occurs during rest... muscles need the opportunity for growth after being under tension."

"We treat everybody like a simple maths... we try to deal with everything in our heads."

"Actions need progressing, whether it's from you or whether you're the conduit to create activity." 

"Are you giving yourself enough space and enough rest to grow personally?" 


You can contact Lee Houghton on 07813342194 [email protected]

For the last 15 years, I have been a multi-sector internal or external business improvement consultant, building the improved capability of individuals, teams and businesses.

In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my two young children Jack & India. I also enjoy listening to and reading business & personal development material.

Lee Houghton is “THE Business Problem Solver”, a Management Consultant, CX Specialist and Keynote Speaker.